In Hour of code I played Kadoble.
I learned how to direct a robot ball , using left,up,right,down arrows.
In Hour of code I played Kadoble.
I learned how to direct a robot ball , using left,up,right,down arrows.
It was a dark and scary Halloween night. A witch lay dead at a grave yard. Bobby Micfadden was out on a stroll and came across the dead witch. He was not sure what it was. He walked up to the witch and out of no were the witch jumped up screamed in his face , knocked him out and snatched him up. She took him to her secret underground cupboard. Bobby Micfaden was only 14 at the time. He was fixing to wake up soon so she had to hurry to tie him up well. “what? were am I” said Bobby. “why my darling you’re in my secret underground cupboard” said the witch.’ you won’t get away with this,” said Bobby. The witch got her spell book and put a memory spell on Bobby. Bobby’s parents were back at the house freaking out. They thought of calling the police , but decided not to.They went out on their own.They went out into the woods.Then they came upon a hole, they fell into the hole. they found Bobby and then took him to their house. “Bobby are you ok” said Mom .”yes” Bobby.”Bobby its time wake up for school” said mom. “ok” said tired Bobby. “that was a weird dream” said Bobby.
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The day of 9-11 was a very sad day. though it knocked us down we still got back up and invaded their country, we still go to their country to keep the terrorist there .
The people of New York ,and the Pentagon ,and anybody on the three planes thought of it as a regular day .But Three plans headed for different places , Then 5 hijackers took over the 1st plane and changed directions towards the New York Trade Center in the North tower. At first everyone thought it was an accident , but then the 2nd plane hit the South tower and people started to realized that this was no accident. Then the other plane hit the pentagon. The the 3rd was hijacked and was headed for the White House but 4 very brave men and women stopped the hijackers and the plane hit a field in Pennsylvania, no one lived. So we remember that day in honor and in hope that know one will ever do that again .
5th grade is really fun and busy. You are always working but, lucky for me I like work .You have a lot of freedom in 5th grade. you’re allowed to sit wear you want in 5th grade at lunch. You have all 5 teachers so, you only get 1 hour in each class.I’m looking forward to being the oldest in the building but, I’m not looking forward to going into 6th grade.I’m also looking forward to not having such a long day because you only have a hour in each class so, your day goes by really quick . I’m also looking forward to not having any homework. It’s really easy to get a mark though so, you have to be on your best behavior . Recess is also very important because it’s your last year of recess because in 6th grade you don’t have recess. But the most thing I am looking forward to is passing 5th grade because if I fail I won’t be able to be with my friends.
the scientific classification for this flower is asteraceae.
The scientific name for this flower is coreopsis lanceoata.
This flower grows all over Texas.
The blooming period for this flower is May -July.
This flower is all over America.
The height of the Tickseed is 2-3 ft.
1 oz.covers 272 sq. ft.
the average seed per year is 221,00.
The seeding rate is 10 lbs. per acer.
The color of this flower is yellow.