The Zombie Attack

It was late a night when Savanah and her brother ,bobby were driving down a deserted highway. Suddenly Savanah had saw something walking in the woods by the highway. It started walking towards them. IT WAS A ZOMBIE! Quickly they got out of the car and ran into a ditch. The zombie had started looking for them. Savanah had realized that she had brought the pizza bag from the car and opened it and threw the pizzas at the zombie. Then the zombie ran away into the woods. They had defeated the zombie. THE END.

My Journey West


Dear Diary,

It is me  , day 2 of traveling west. So far it has been   hard . My friend Amayiahs family got captured by indians, we have not seen them since. My family has very few pervisions , our wagon has broke down and my papa has gotten sick from the cold weather. My papa wanted to go to the new boomtown because people claim there is a gold rush. My brother keeps anoying me by playing cowboy and pretending he has a bronco. Papa says when we get there that we will build a log cabin, but me and mama thinks that will take forever. Our family is worried that we wont make it , but we will.