9-11 Reflections

photo credit:http://coastguard.dodlive.mil/tag/911/

The day of 9-11 was a very sad day. though it knocked us down we still got back up and invaded their country, we still go to their country to keep the terrorist there .

The people of New York ,and the Pentagon  ,and anybody  on the  three planes thought of it as a regular day .But Three plans headed for different places , Then 5 hijackers took over the 1st plane and changed directions towards the New York Trade Center  in the North tower. At first everyone thought it was an  accident , but then the 2nd plane hit the South tower and people started to realized that  this was no accident. Then the other plane hit the pentagon. The the 3rd was hijacked and was headed for the White House but 4 very brave men and women  stopped the hijackers and the plane hit a field  in Pennsylvania,  no one lived. So we remember that day in honor and in hope that  know one will ever do that again .


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